

Use the model your group developed in Part II to predict the number of radial, angular and total nodal surfaces for each of the orbitals below, and then validate (where possible) the predictions using the orbital visualization and analysis tool. Members within your group will take turns as “predictor”, “validator” and “recorder” for the first three orbitals. Then, complete the information for the final orbital (5g) as a small group (assign predictor, validator, and recorder roles as you see fit). Engage in a whole-table discussion about your results (i.e. present them to the other groups around the table), and make sure that you resolve any discrepancies.

Orbitals Work Division n l # Radial Nodes # Angular Nodes Total # Radial
& Angular Nodes

Member 1 predicts
Member 2 predicts

Member 2 predicts
Member 3 predicts

Member 3 predicts
Member 1 predicts

Jmol will appear here.