
p Orbitals

Analysis for np orbitals as a function of principal quantum number.

Click on each orbital (e.g. “2px”, “3py” etc) to activate the 3-D interactive orbital viwer and the radial distribution plot on the right panel. Examine the radial distribution plot for the number of radial nodes, and the radius that encloses 90% electron density (r90%). Examine the interactive orbital viewer for the number of angular nodes/nodal plane. Sum the number of radial and angular nodes to get the total number of nodes for a certain orbital.

Table 2. Observations of np orbitals.
r90% (Bohr)
# Radial Nodes # Angular Nodes Total # Radial &
Angular Nodes

Formulate a model for the number of radial, angular and total nodal surfaces for the np orbitals:

  1. # of radial nodes =

  2. # of angular nodes =

  3. # of total nodes =

Jmol will appear here.